Jennifer Lynn Taylor
Baruch Haba
I am Jennifer Lynn Taylor. My Heavenly Father Yahuwah gave me the joy and freedom to sing since I was a little girl. This JOY was birthed in me when Jesus Christ His Son became my loving Savior in 1977, and what a wonderful life we have had together! At 12 years old, I had an encounter with Lord and received a call from Him to be a minister unto Him. I was SO OVERWHELMED BY HIS LOVE FOR ME! He began to teach me about healing and compassion, showing me that He was a very kind, gentle, and merciful God (Exodus 33-34; Psalm 86:15). At this time, He anointed me with His Holy Spirit to begin writing songs for Him, and the fruit of that experience was JOY unexplainable!
For many years, I have lived as a missionary and singer/songwriter, pursuing my loving Savior and sharing Him with great passion wherever He has lead me. In recent years, I have also had the privilege of recording some of my original songs with my husband Michael. All of the songs on this site are fruit of beholding Yahushua ("The LORD [Yahuwah] saves"="Jesus" in Hebrew), being conformed into His image from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). They are a testimony of my journey with Him.
I pray that through it all you will encounter the incorruptible LOVE of our Father and His Son. My purpose is to encourage, and as the Lord is my biggest encourager, my desire is that others see how wonderful He is. It is my prayer that people will seek and worship Him, allowing Him to make them complete in His LOVE, JOY, and PEACE (2 Corinthians 13:11; Colossians 1:25-29; Matthew 5:48; 1 John 4:18; Psalm 45:7; John 15:11; Ephesians 3:14-21,4:4-16; Isaiah 32:17; James 3:17-18). “Baruch Haba" at the top of the page is Hebrew for "welcome," but literally translated means "blessed is the one who comes." May you be inspired by the Holy Spirit to come BEHOLD Yahushua, sit at His feet, and BELIEVE His words to you (John 6:40). Be refreshed in His Presence and holy love!